Meet Bart
In the small dusty podunk farming community of Animas, New Mexico (two hundred plus people), his high school friends needed entertainment. So, at age fifteen, Bart created his own mobile DJ company. He started with a four-year-old Sanyo all-in-one stereo system – complete with eight track player – and began organizing weekend dances. He rented the community center, hired an off duty sheriff’s deputy, his mom and dad took money at the door and Bart spun records.
He continued to add to his system until it sported a light tree, Peavey SP1 subwoofers, SP3 mids and tweeters tri-amped with five thousand watts of power. You are probably laughing at this, but it was a rockin’ system in its day. And it was a rockin’ dance business, which he grew (adding consistently to his professional sound and lighting system) into a viable enterprise which ultimately helped him through college. He then sold the business and moved forward to his next business adventure. He graduated from college with a degree in accounting, a subject that he did not like, and was no good at, in order to do something he would love (being an FBI agent) but did not get to do because he was automatically disqualified because of vision issues which would not disqualify him today – except now he’s too dang old to join the service. Though discouraged and depressed, Bart moved forward. Life had given him lemons, but his father had blessed him with a monetized mindset so he made lemonade. He soon realized he was pretty good at “making lemonade,” so he built a lemonade stand and started selling lemonade to others. He was pretty good at that too, so he became a “go to” guy for those who want to succeed when life hands them lemons. |